In July our small worlds expanded as the mighty force of Atlantic Canada combined back together to create the “Atlantic Bubble”, an unrestricted travel space locked off from the rest of the globe.
While many countries are starting lockdown again because of a second rise of covid-19 cases, Atlantic Canada is a force to be reckoned still having the lowest number of cases in Canada and one of the lowest anywhere.
If we have to stay in our bubble, it’s not the end of the world because we HAVE the whole world RIGHT HERE! What are you missing this summer being “stuck” in the Atlantic Bubble? We say NOTHING!
Here’s our list of the world’s most popular destinations you don’t have to miss because you can experience them right here in Atlantic Canada…
1. Hold Off On Hawaii!

Burnt red sand beaches are an absolute rarity and exude this strange feeling of being on Mars in its heyday, you know when it still had water. At the top of the list of the best in the world are Kaihalulu Beach in Hawaii, but also Cavendish Beach in Prince Edward Island! But PEI has many other stunning red sand beaches including Thunder Cove Beach, all of which you can uncover the most amazing red sandstone rock formations. One of these takes 18 hours to fly to….the other doesn’t!
2. No Way New Zealand!

If you’re Lord of the Rings obsessed like Larry, maybe you’d want to visit New Zealand to see the movie-set of grass-roofed hobbit habitats. But why visit the holes of frolicking imaginary characters when you can visit an original settlement village of actual VIKINGS from over 1000 years ago in L’Anse Aux Meadow, Newfoundland. Outside of Greenland this is the only Viking Settlement in ALL North America! That’s a huge deal! Sorry Frodo, why don’t you cry into your second breakfast.
3. See Ya Later Scotland!

Scotland may have invented golf 500 years ago but there’s a new pro in town. Welcome Nova Scotia AKA “New Scotland”, that is known to have the best golf course in Canada (Cabot Cliffs in Cape Breton) and amongst the Top 10 in the world! And better yet, Nova Scotia has twice as many sunny days as Scotland! So tee off while getting a tan!
4. So Long South Africa!

Do we really need to travel to South Africa this year for a safari to see wildlife in their natural habitat? South Africa may have wild plains full of elephants, leopards, rhinos, hippos, etc etc Pffft. But in Atlantic Canada we have epic marshlands, beaches, forests and oceans of moose, eagles, caribou, lynx, coyote, bears, fox, puffins, whales, seals and some years even polar bears! Hell sometimes you don’t even need to go past your backyard for a diverse local Safari!
5. I Don’t Think So Iceland!

The Northern Lights A.K.A Aurora Borealis, is a world wonder natural phenomenon that lights the sky in dramatic florescent colours at night. But it only happens amongst the most northern landscapes in the world including Iceland, Finland, Greenland, Alaska and also across Newfoundland and Labrador! Like stargazing on steroids, it’s a glorious show worthy of a world stage, and not everyone gets a ticket, but you do!
6. Swapping Sweden!

Sweden is known for many things including it’s characteristically ruggedly scenic and architecturally appealing seaside ports and fishing villages. Wait a minute, does this sound familiar? Well it should once you swap in one of hundreds of Atlantic Canada’s own coastal towns like Fogo Island in Newfoundland or Peggy’s Cove in Nova Scotia. And hell, to many visiting from away with so many mixed dialects across the region, ya may as well pretend locals are speaking Swedish anyway they can be that hard to understand.
7. Goodbye Grand Canyon!

The Grand Canyon in The States may be twice as deep as Gros Morne National Park at 1 mile, but at just 70 Million years of age, it’s a BABY compared to Gros Morne, a World Heritage Site at 1.2 BILLION years! Bye gurl BYE! You’re looking a little dry these days GC. Maybe use a little moisturizer. We’ll take a hike through a lush green Jurassic Park…I mean Gros Morne, any day.
8. Sorry, Not Sorry, Switzerland!

The world loves an orphan comeback story and the tale of Heidi from Switzerland has been a global hit since 1881 selling 50 million copies worldwide. But Anne of Green Gables written in 1908 and based in PEI has sold just as many. PLUS it’s currently a critically acclaimed TV series on Netflix and is adored from as far away as Japan. Experience the beauty and adventures of this fiery redhead’s world at her farmland museum and across the island!
9. Hasta La Vista Australia!

Australia who? They may be known for beaches, but Atlantic Canada still has more than 125 sandy artisan beaches too! Too many to mention but you can still get both the beachy sun and breeze AND have a much better chance of avoiding the crowds and social distancing this summer. There are far fewer animals waiting to kill you, plus, Atlantic Canada gets longer days than Sydney! Upwards of 1.5 hours more daylight in summer and in July, 6 more hours of sun each day! So enjoy a late evening enjoying our beautiful sands.
10. Ewww England!

The United Kingdom may have a rich heritage to explore and experience but so does Atlantic Canada. Travel back in time to the ORIGINAL King’s Landing, sorry Game of Thrones, by visiting this interactive living museum based in the 1800’s. Nearly 20 times larger than its UK comparison, you can spend much more time exploring this expansive and deeply immersive adventure back to our earlier years.
11. Get Lost Greenland!

Icebergs are an absolutely stunning site to be held even just from the coastline and there are very few places in the world where this natural monstrosity and beauty can be witnessed. Among them included Greenland, Alaska, Iceland, Argentina and Newfoundland! Every year Newfoundland sees up to over 1,000 bergs float by our coast via Iceberg Alley, at times even bringing polar bears to our shores. (We always keep fresh berg ice in our freezer for drinks!) And unlike Greenland, we have yet to deal with icebergs that require emergency evacuations of whole towns, yikes! Our icebergs may have sunk the Titanic, but hey if that floats (Or Sinks?) your boat, we’ve got a museum exhibit for that.
12. I’m Busy, Ireland

Ireland and Newfoundland have long been compared for their countless similarities including their green and rugged island landscapes, Irish heritage, culture, accents, love of music and more. Even one of Ireland’s most famous landforms, the Cliffs of Moher could be directly compared to the coastline of Chambers Cove and we’ve got many more. In a pinch, there’s really no reason to feel the need to “return to the motherland”. We already have our own little Ireland, right here at home.
So what did we learn here?
The moral of the story is you’re isolated in one of the most beautiful, privileged and diverse places in the world and don’t let yourself forget that!
Embrace the Atlantic Bubble and your neighbouring provinces and how truly stunning and incomparable a place we live in with the loveliest, honest and most caring people.
This isn’t a time to hate on each other and drawing lines in the sand has to stop at some point. So take a breath, enjoy the beauty of summer in our part of the world and take care of one another like Atlantic Canadians should.
So for now…Stay safe. Take care. And have fun!
For an extended list of world wonders from right here, check out our Newfoundland world travel blog here.
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Until next time guys!
Chris and Larry