So we’ve already taken you guys through what we did to update the house exterior and yard in the first house tour blog here
And took you through how we redid the first floor living room and kitchen here.
Now it’s time to show you the top floor!
So admittedly, we didn’t make as many cosmetic changes to the top floor. On the first floor we wanted to go bright, modern and clean but on the top floor, for those late summer nights or cold winter mornings, we really wanted to have a warm, cosy, cabin feel. So we maintained the stained wood glow and simply added new wooden fixtures and amenities as needed. And of course adding in the décor!
Check it out!
The Bedrooms

In the main bedroom Larry built in a closet. We built a massive pallet bed and it’s luxurious for, if nothing else, it’s size!!! Read how we made it (and almost screwed it up) here. Most of the furniture in this room was donated to us from family. The bookcase I had when I was a kid, a dresser Larry’s dad built (Thanks Larry Sr.!), TV trays from my mom’s neighbour (Patsy) as night tables (Luxurious I know).

Our favourite pieces in this room are a sheepskin throw we bought in Australia and more importantly, a vanity set owned by Larry’s great grandmother that has aged very uniquely especially with our paint stripping skills which we like to think added a lot of the charm? Read more on that here.

And with four bright windows and a view of the harbour, it’s an absolutely beautiful place to wake up to in the morning.

In the guest bedroom we didn’t actually make any changes except clean and polish up a few odds and ends. The colourful knitted afghan blanket is the centre of this room, a lovely handmade gift from our friend Amanda. Larry also magicked a new reupholstered chair out of an unwanted pack of pillow cases haha.

In particular there is a few projects we are still waiting on to try out in this room including mounting an antique window frame (that we found) on the wall on top of a blown old photo of the streets of Carbonear (have yet to find a photo of good enough quality that this could work for if you have any good ones you’re willing to share!). And we want to make a new bed headboard over the back wall out of old wooden townhouse doors that my Uncle Bob gave us from an old house he renovated in Conception Bay.
Bathroom, Porch and Hallway
The bathroom just needed a deep cleaning. A resealing of the toilet, bathtub and sink.

The porch/laundry room we had to reseal the door, used cupboard doors from Larry’s childhood home to cover the electrical box, installed the washer and dryer and installed wall to wall shelves.
In the hallway again just needed cleaning up. And fill it with more antiques from Larry’s family. His grandfather’s oars and a half barrel owned by his Great Great Grandfather. And Larry’s easel in front of the main window where he spends hours painting or drawing new pieces for the house or for friends.

And the stairway, original to when the house was built, an amazing centre to the home which we are being careful to maintain.

Just the Beginning
So what do you think??
We had so much fun working on the first phase of the house!
But more importantly, we so enjoyed being back home after being gone for so long. Creating new memories reconnecting with long-time friends and family, making news ones in the local community of Carbonear and reinvigorating our interest in our heritage which actually helped inspire our move to Ireland to explore our ancestry.
Thanks to everyone for their generosity while we were home.
We have so many more plans for the house! And we haven’t even gotten to the hobbit house Larry built. Will update on that side project as it grow in. And we still have a ton of tips we want to share about projects around the house.
But until then, follow us on:
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Thanks guys!
Chris and Larry